Tuesday 6 May 2014

My three Portfolio Pieces are

1. Sting (weapon asset)

2. Tardis game scene - featuring bigger on the inside model tardis

3. Jumanji boardgame

my own tardis model/anim/gamescene? (apparently this has been a draft and not published- since april)

ok so the concept is that i will be creating a 3d game scene of the interior of the tardis, with the exterior as an asset. from outside the tardis the ship will be a regular size; open the door and its bigger on the inside (or smaller on the outside if your that way inclined) this is using the same effect that portals use in games such as prey

the console will pose the most trouble with all the gadgets and detail which should be interactable and movable, which could be scripted to function as a hidden object game with the task of controlling the tardis, opening doors solving computer puzzles for instance

the textures should be complicated but doable since most textures will be repeatable since the rotational symetry of the inside of the tardis, colours are repeated quite often but i forsee qute large texture map sizes

Jumanji - 22600 tris

this asset is done but just needs to finish uploading more pictures!

Tardis Scene - including beauty, wireframe and textures approximately 51k

Sting part 2 including Beuty, wireframe and textures 2226 tris


Sunday 20 April 2014

Ok so several of the projects have fallen at the wayside and been scrapped - its not that they were not viable projects but that i've lost interest in pursuing them.

This blog has been neglected as has the development of portfolio pieces - in an attempt to correct this i will be uploading development images as and when they are done - setting unrealistic targets led to stalls and poor creation of assets


 Sting is the Elven shortsword weilded by Bilbo Baggins in the lord of the ring and Hobbit

split into 4 different sections; the weapon is comprised of the Blade, Hilt, Handle and Pommel
 the handle is simple and wooden with silver fiiligree denoting leaves. oval shape capped by the pommel

 the crossgaurd is inset with a depression, with elvish writing embossed from the hilt while the blade itself has engraving/depression of elvish writing.

a triangular rest meets the mid point of the blade

 the pommel is smooth and hard metal

 the weapon has a rotational symmetry of 180 degrees so only half of the model actually needs to be modelled

my target is 3000 tris for the sword, so 1500 for each side of the weapon